ZiboCare Denmark
We make a
tangible difference
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Professional aids for the health and care sector
We offer high quality solutions and continuously develop new products and create product improvements, in close collaboration with current practices and healthcare professionals.
New and innovative solutions
Our mission is simple. We want to make a positive difference every day and deliver solid and innovative solutions for healthcare, in the public and the private sector.
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NEWS: OneMed has entered into an agreement to acquire ZiboCare Denmark.
As of June 30th, 2021, ZiboCare is joining forces with OneMed to further grow in existing and new markets. The company is a leading distributor of medical devices and solutions for hospitals, the primary care sector, psychiatry, institutions and the direct to patient market. ZiboCare, located in Horsens, Denmark will continue to operate as an independent company with a sharp focus on product and concept development with the support from OneMed.
Morten Nielsen, Managing Director, OneMed A/S:
“OneMed is primarily known as a supplier of disposable medical devices to municipalities and regions in Denmark. For many years, we have also had a limited range of products within the rehab segment – primarily walkers and other mobility aids. It has been our ambition for some time to expand our presence within the rehab product category and we believe that with ZiboCare we have found a perfect partner that is innovative in both product development and market access. At the same time, we are confident that with OneMed’s strong European presence, we can help ZiboCare grow in new markets.”
Jeannette B. Denker, Managing Director, ZiboCare A/S and ZiboCare Denmark ApS:
“This will be a really exciting new chapter for ZiboCare A/S and ZiboCare Denmark ApS and all our skilled and competent employees. We aim to provide a high level of service to the healthcare sector with the products and services we offer the market. We want to make a real difference, and place great emphasis on professionalism and innovative solutions. We want to take co-responsibility for creating the best framework for the health sector, within the areas we work with.
With OneMed, as the new owners of ZiboCare, we have found an owner with a similar set of values, and who can help to further accelerate ZiboCare’s development and growth.”
About OneMed
OneMed is a leading European distributor of medical supplies and healthcare related services. We are active in 11 markets, employ more than 1.000 employees and our annual net sales amounts to more than EUR 700 million. OneMed partners with our customers to enable better lives for patients – making everyday life easier for medical staff and reducing healthcare costs. We strive to reduce environmental impact and cooperate with our suppliers to improve working conditions throughout the supply chain.
Sens-Aid præsenteret
i White Paper
Det innovative tyngdetæppe, Sens-Aid, fra ZiboCare præsenteres i White Paper’et “A dignified elderly care in Denmark”, som er udgivet af HealthCare DENMARK. Læs artiklen om Sens-Aid på side 32 her.
Sens-Aid er et sansestimulerende tyngdetæppe, som omfavner kroppen og skaber en tryghed og ro for krop og sind. Lær mere her.
Danmarks førerposition på ældreområdet understøttes af nye innovative velfærdsteknologier, som spiller en vigtig rolle i den danske ældrepleje. Hver dag hjælper en række løsninger med at forbedre livskvaliteten for ældre borgere og understøtter sundhedspersonale i at skabe en effektiv ramme af høj kvalitet til pleje, rehabilitering og forebyggelse.
Healthcare DENMARKs white paper tager udgangspunkt i sundheds- og ældreområdets problemstillinger og præsenterer konkrete eksempler på innovative danske løsninger.
Vi har et stærkt produktprogram af sansestimulerende og trykaflastende hjælpemidler til hele sundhedssektoren.